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Вi 2015
Ce 2316
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П 1912
Cy 2012


DAJAR Home&Garden offers a wide selection of kitchen, dining, and living room equipment at affordable prices. In our stores, we offer: modern and original tableware from the French brand Luminarc, a wide range of glassware from the brands Krosno and Pasabahce, high-quality kitchen accessories from the brand Ambition, handy and durable knives and accessories from the brand Fiskars, unique kitchen and home equipment from the brand Practic, high-durability heat-resistant dishes from the brand Pyrex, as well as water filtering jugs and bottles from the brand Aquaphor.

Moreover, we are the only ones offering traditional yet modern enameled dishes from the exceptional brand Emalia Olkusz 1907.

In the Home&Garden department, you will discover a rich offer of home textiles, high-quality decorative items from the brand Ewax, and garden furniture from the brand Patio.

The store's assortment also includes household products from the brand Domotti, accessories that help in maintaining order from the brands Jotta, Vileda, and Spontex, as well as functional products from the brand Velkea useful for drying and ironing laundry. A beautiful scent in your home is ensured by products from the brand Pachnąca Szafa.



Designer Outlet Sosnowiec
Sklep P27
Orląt Lwowskich 138
41-208 Sosnowiec

+48 509 839 237

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