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The Recman brand is a model of modern elegance. The concept of the brand was born in 1986 when 
a family tailor's shop specializing in men's clothing was established. The dynamic development of the company has resulted in hundreds of experienced experts involving in the work of individual collections. The major products of the Recman brand are suits and jackets made in Poland of the highest quality fabrics and accessories. The assortment also includes coats and jackets, shirts, trousers, sweaters, polo shirts, shoes and stylish accessories, such as leather belts and leather goods, a wide selection of ties, pocket squares and bow tie, as well as sensual perfumes. The collections feature the care of every suit, shirt or jacket where the customer emphasizes his elegant look and feels comfortable.
Clothing and accessories signed by the Recman logo are available in cities throughout Poland. Since 2011 Recman has been the official sponsor of Poland's Tennis Representation, dressing the best players. In 2016 Recman became the general Partner of Polish Tennis Association.


Designer Outlet Sosnowiec
Sklep L23
Orląt Lwowskich 138
41-208 Sosnowiec

+48 787 095 472

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Due to the national emergency of the coronavirus outbreak in Poland each store of the Designer Outlet Sosnowiec has to follow the officially prescribed instructions for retail from the 20th March 2020 of the Polish government.