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Who would not like to wear the classic jeans that built the America? For all the denim lovers it is a purely retorical question. Over hundred years of tradition in creating the most popular type of pants in the world, broad selection of cuts for men and women in all age - all that is just foretaste of all that LEE and Wrangler have to offer. Bootcut, close-fitting, straight, classic, wide, skinny... Jeans for every body shape and weather, blue, black, darkblue. And if we add to this the rich selection of shirts, jumpers, jackets, t-shirts, hoodies, skirts and shorts it becomes obvious why LEE and Wragnler are such well-known successful brands. What is the pefect pair of jeans? The answer can be found in LEE Wrangler. 


Designer Outlet Sosnowiec
Sklep L9
Orląt Lwowskich 138
41-208 Sosnowiec

+48 668 643 840

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