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Digel is an international male fashion brand which has been on the market since the 80s. It creates modern and creative designs that guarantee suitable attire for every occassion. It is recognized for its sense of style, fashionable accessories, original outfits and comfort of wearing paired with the highest quality. The strong features of the brand are: very good price-quality ratio, the widest range of offered suits, clothing lines for different shapes, availability of assortment in 24 hours and high standard of customer service. Digel collections, adjusted to individual needs of its clients (Performance - premium line, Protect 3 - perfect for travel, Ceremony - for important events and occassions, MOVE - lifestyle mixed with business, sporty luxury and urban style, modern and fitting shapes) are available in over 3000 stores in 40 countries. In Poland, the brand has been active since 1993 and it constantly developes its branches.


Designer Outlet Sosnowiec
Sklep L14
Orląt Lwowskich 138
41-208 Sosnowiec


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Due to the national emergency of the coronavirus outbreak in Poland each store of the Designer Outlet Sosnowiec has to follow the officially prescribed instructions for retail from the 20th March 2020 of the Polish government.